What do I get when subscribing to the SDN Insider newsletter?

Stay updated on what's new in the service design community. The SDN Insider is a regular newsletter delivering a free service design digest, enthralling interviews with field experts, interesting case studies and articles from our library, as well as the most current service design news, job postings and events from all around the world. Subscribing to this list means you also agree to receive local news if there is an SDN chapter in your region. Chapters are local, franchise branches of the SDN which send out news about events and activities they are organising to SDN community followers and members registered in their region. In order to receive newsletters about local events and activities, you will need to provide your location. 

How is SDN handling my personal information?

We will hold the details you provide us with in order to send you the newsletter and closely related information. We are asking you to provide additional information to make sure that we are sending you personalised news that is relevant for you. We will not share your information with any third party, with the exception of our newsletter provider, MailChimp. Through MailChimp, we gather statistics around email opening and clicks using industry standard technologies to help us monitor and improve our newsletter.

How do I subscribe?

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